8th Annual Fashion Show – May 3, 2015

by Nikki Follis - Fashion Show Chairperson

Another successful fashion show concluded on May 3, 2015. It’s hard to believe, but this was our 8th Annual Fashion Show. Many of our models have been in the show since we started the event years ago and it’s been absolutely amazing to watch them grow from adorable timid youngsters learning their way around the runway to stunning, grown, and strong teenagers (and some are even…gasp…adults….Where does the time go?!!) who owned the runway this year. Two of our models, Billie and Stephanie, graduated from our event this year as they celebrated their 21st birthdays!

In addition, a few of our models have graduated high school, one graduated college, one has been married a year, and a few more are off to college with some very impressive majors! It’s hard not to be impressed with each and everyone one of our models. They are amazing in so many ways.

The event was again held at the Carson’s store at the Partridge Creek Mall! Just as we have in the past, the show was opened up to boys and girls ages 3-21 as well as their siblings. We had 23 models in attendance that day!! 

The day began with pampering off-site by many wonderful salon professionals at Tricho Salon and Spa who took their time making the girl’s look runway ready by doing their hair and nails. We didn’t have any boys take advantage of this pampering session this year, but maybe we can talk them into it next year. Carson's makeup counters handled our makeup and they did a wonderful job. The experts took the time to provide the salon services to all of the participants involved ensuring that they would look their absolute best for the event. There were some amazing looks provided by our pampering team this year! 

We had the wonderful addition of Jennifer Steward Laurain this year who provided chair massages to the parents. I am pretty sure I saw a few kids sneak in there too. Many positive reviews came from the parents as they felt much more relaxed after having spent some time in Jen’s chair. 

Heather Savas of Heather Savas Photography provided photo shoots of the participants and each child will receive a photo memory of their day. This is always fun as Heather has a creative eye and involved not only the model, but siblings and parents in the photo shoot too!! 

Sharon Manning put together fabulous gift bags using wonderful hand-made gift bags provided by Peggy McQuinn and Nancy Kiger. Absopure, Kroger, and Nino Salvaggio provided our food and beverages for the day. English Garden's provided our flowers for each participant to provide to their family for being by their side through thick and thin. 

The amazing and talented Chosen Rhythms provided a beautiful opening and closing song to our fashion show. Reina and Brayden had the audience involved and provided a spectacular show. We look forward to having them perform for us again in the future.

Just as years past, smiles, tears and cheers filled the room as soon as the participants started their way down the runway. Billie (Howard) Sieczkowski took the time to speak to the audience about her story at the start of the show. I am not sure there was a dry eye in the house once she shared her story. What an amazing young woman she is! Her story really shows just how strong these young heroes are. It was a great addition to hear her speak of how far she has come to be where she is today. Each model has their own story, but their attitudes the day of the show really show just how strong they are. They are truly astounding individuals. 

We had a great turnout with well over 150 people in attendance and standing room only again this year. Theresa at Carson’s did a fabulous job putting this event into motion. We even have our date set for next year, so save the date for Sunday, May 1, 2016!

Thank you to all of the volunteers that came out to help the day of the event as well as those who assisted prior to the event! There was a lot of work that went into planning the event and the final outcome really showed how much the effort really made a difference! I really could not put this event together without all of your help and support!