June 9 - Texas Children's Cancer and Hematology Clinic

June 9th, 2017
Texas Children's Cancer and Hematology Center
23 girls
14 boys
Volunteer team (6 total): Moore Insurance, Magda Díaz, Junior Duverney

Our summer Hawaiian Luau event was a blast. We all dressed up Hawaiian tourist style and really enjoyed spreading the Aloha! Along with our signature tiaras and firemen hats, I also brought along 40 Hawaiian leis, 40 goodie bags, books, dvds and toys.

This was my first morning event as I usually arrive in the afternoon so we actually saw more children. We also had a carnival game table with ring toss and jumpy frogs, there was one little girl that really enjoyed challenging one of the volunteers...the kids really liked the games and I discovered they were a great interaction tool.

Like all our previous events little fingernails were painted and little cheeks were blushed. One of the little girls sat in my manicure chair and I found myself so fascinated with her fashion sense and her intelligence! I actually learned a very helpful tip that might help you all. “If you paint your fingernails with Elmer glue first, let it dry and paint your polish over the dry glue...instead of using nail polish remover, you can just peel the polish right off.” What a genius! I will for sure always remember that.

This event was extra special to me as I was beyond excited to share a little piece of my home (Hawaii) with the children and staff of Texas Children's Cancer and Hematology Clinic. I'm very happy that I managed to gift all the tiaras, fire hats, leis and all the goodies I brought! Till next time...Aloha!