The For a Day Foundation

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June 16th - Queen & Hero for a Day - Ronald McDonald House Pasadena, CA

On Saturday, June 16th, For a Day brought Queen & Hero for a Day to the Pasadena location of Ronald McDonald House. We saw 10 girls and 7 boys and had 5 volunteers. Everyone was busy from beginning to end! 

The patients had their makeup done first, and then had at least as much fun doing the makeup and fingernails of their volunteers. 

The first teen boy came by about an hour after it started. I gave him a finger shooter and took him outside and showed him how to shoot it. He loved it! and soon others came outside, we had a finger-shooter war, and we ended up having an event that was mostly outdoors. 

We pushed kids on tricycles, other shot baskets, the finger-=shooter war continued, and everybody was into taking pictures.

Everybody loved the makeup, capes, and masks. Lots of bags were colored. In general, everything went perfect. The tattoos were a BIG hit. 

This party was made possible only with the huge support of FAD's Young Ambassador, Kirsten Zeleny. Thank you for raising the funds to make it possible and for being so available to the families. A special thanks to our volunteers, Mercedes, Carolina, Linda, and JR Nessary (Miss Anaheim!).