The For a Day Foundation

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May 7th Visit to Children's Cancer Center


Boys: 8

Girls: 13

The Children’s Cancer Center is a privately funded organization that provides programs and support for the entire family affected by a child's cancer or blood disorder diagnosis.

This particular event took place during a group counseling session for the parents.  The parents and children arrived and were treated to dinner, donated by Chic-fil-A.  The Chic-fil-A cow even came to play with the children and give out prizes.  After dinner, the parents went upstairs to the group counseling session, while the For a Day volunteers created an evening of FUN for the kids, doing crafts, pampering and even playing with them outside on the amazing play area that was recently remodeled at the Children’s Cancer Center.  We had several new volunteers at this event who were incredible with the children and expressed with me what an impact the For a Day foundation has made on them in just a short period of time.  We look forward to visiting this facility again next month!