October 25 - Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh - Hero for a Day

Bad guys never stood a chance, when Batman, Captain America, and Wonder Woman descended upon the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh to recruit some of the city's bravest superheroes. On October 25th, the For A Day Foundation volunteer superheroes (4) gathered on the Radiation Oncology floor of the hospital and began by decorating the walls and ceiling to look like Gotham City and by laying out a feast to supercharge the new recruits.

6 outpatients and their siblings, ages 3 to 20, were treated to cinnamon rolls, donuts, crackers and cookies, fresh cut fruit with peanut butter and other dips, Starbucks Frappes, juice, and, of course, halloween candy. After powering up with breakfast, patients/heroes were given their first task, to decorate a canvas Halloween treat bag with stamps and paint. Glow-in-the-dark paint was utilized to ensure a safe trick-or-treat night. Just before embarking on their trip to the radiation room, they suited up in masks and superhero capes and posed for pictures with the adult superheroes. Even the oldest patient, who was known for a quick entrance and exit from his treatments, stopped for a picture "for [his] instagram!" before grabbing breakfast and heading in for radiation.

Because Captain America, Wonder Woman, and Batman were still fighting fit, they were asked to journey up to the other pediatric oncology floors of the hospital, where they handed out coloring books/superhero accessories and posed for pictures with more than a dozen other children, including several infants.

After a full-schedule and fulfilling morning, the For A Day Foundation heroes left the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, knowing that it was a little bit happier, a little bit braver, and waved as they left, to the cheers of "Batman!" and "Wonder Woman!" as they walked down the long hallway.
