December 7 - Hassenfeld Children's Hospital

The staff at Hassenfeld reached out again with another special request for their teen patients who have been in long term treatment: a Queen for a Day party just for them. We’re grateful to our donors to be able to respond to these requests quickly and nimbly - and to our volunteers (and even potential volunteers!) who were ready to check their calendars and make arrangements to join us on short notice. A special thank you goes to the Flour Shop for quickly donating two unicorn cakes!

So we gathered our supplies and pulled together a special party in just a few days. Flour Shop donated two unicorn cakes and we featured another visit from Julie Kandalec, the editorial manicurist with her stickers and jewels, and a huge supply of Almay makeup. Since this was a smaller and older group, we brought mascara and eyeliner to complete their looks.

We entertained 4 young ladies in a private conference room, where we talked about makeup and fashion and starting a YouTube channel. We taught them how to apply liquid eyeliner (thanks Megan!) and some of the brightly colored eyeshadows from Almay. Julie gave a couple manicures and we served the rainbow confetti unicorn cakes. One little girl was more interested in collecting items for her mom, because she was sick and she wanted to make her feel better.

One of the teens aspires to launch her own makeup line and a makeup YouTube channel. She was extremely interested in testing lots of the Almay products.

Before we left, we made a quick stop to another teen’s room. While she already had her nails painted, Julie added little matte stones to her polish, for a modern twist on her classic red manicure. She and mom picked out some Almay products and a tiara.

We were delighted to offer something special to the teens, who are usually quickly bored with the typical programs for kids in the playroom - and easily annoyed by the younger kids! Having the time to sit down with them and talk about their goals and dreams was special for all of us.
